Category: Diy

The Tiny House Movement is all about living in less space. On this site we show everything you need to know to get started building your own tiny house. You’ll find DIY plans, videos, and galleries that show different examples of people who have built their own homes.

Alternative living spaces – An affordable Container home

Are you looking for a housing alternative that combines affordability with style? Look no further than the ALT Eco model. With its innovative use of ceramic insulated paint and unique industrial aesthetic, the ALT Eco model offers the perfect blend of cost-effectiveness and design. In this article, we will...

Tiny House Living Meets Furry Friends: Pet-Friendly Tips for Tiny House Living

Are you a pet lover embracing the world of tiny house living? Wondering if your furry friends can happily coexist in your compact abode? They absolutely can! Discover actionable tips tailored for pet-friendly tiny house living. Let’s explore how to create a harmonious haven for you and your beloved...